How To Slide On A Longboard? – A Beginner’s Guide

Riding a longboard is one of the most basic principles of all longboarding. Therefore, experts recommend learning longboarding first before performing any longboard tricks. But once you’ve become a pro longboarder, you can move to advanced longboard tricks like powerslides.

But what is power sliding? How to slide on a longboard? If you have similar questions in mind, this guide is for you.

How to slide on a Longboard

From the definition of sliding to the steps to powerslide on a longboard, we’ll cover everything here.

So, let’s get going with this guide without wasting any time.


How To Slide On A Longboard?

Before learning how to slide on a longboard, it is essential to understand the ideal foot position and a few additional prerequisites first. So, let’s get to the prerequisites before getting to the steps of power sliding on a longboard.

Prerequisite # 1: Ideal Foot Position On A Longboard

While keeping your front foot on the front of the board, push hard on your longboard to get a decent pace because you will have to go with a lot of speed for the power slide. Then, push really hard again and turn it into the 90-degree position. You have your back foot on the tail and your front foot near the front trucks, which is the ideal foot position for the power slide.

Prerequisite # 2: Comfortability And Basics Of Longboarding

Besides foot position, ensure you’re comfortable riding your longboard and have the basics of riding and turning down well on a longboard.

Steps To Perform Sliding On A Longboard

Since power sliding on a longboard is a complicated trick, we’ll approach it with the help of different steps. This way, if you work on one step at a time, you can learn to powerslide better.

Step 1: Get An Appropriate Amount Of Speed

As mentioned earlier, performing a powerslide on a longboard requires decent speed because while you’re rolling rapidly, the tire loses grip easily. That’s the main idea behind getting a decent pace on a longboard for power sliding. So, your first task is to achieve that acceleration on your longboard.

You can either use a flat or small inclined surface to achieve the required acceleration on a longboard. Obviously, the small inclined surface will help you go faster with less effort. So, we recommend going with a small inclined surface if you are a beginner. However, you can pick a steep hill if you are an advanced longboarder.

In fact, some skilled longboarders recommend doing powerslide on damp terrain. They think moving at a slower speed would be preferable due to how slick the wet terrain would be.

Step 2: Prepare For A Toeside Pre-carve

To be ready for a toeside pre-carve, practice pushing your foot on the front rail. You might attempt this without rolling at first. So, just feel your foot contacting the front fence at a stop. When you’re prepared, begin to move and accelerate. Apply pressure with your toes while angling your body forward to carry a rapid toeside turn once you feel you have reached your maximum speed.

Moreover, ensure the trucks are arranged equally and at an angle. You’ll be able to glide if you keep your feet close together. Also, keep your knees bent to maintain a low center of gravity, which brings us to the next step.

Step 3: Keep Your Center Of Gravity Low

Try to maintain a low center of gravity by placing your weight low. When you begin on the sharp heelside, this will help you retain excellent balance. So, maintain your position and be ready for the heelside carve.

Step 4: The Actual Powersliding Step

Now that you can push the longboard while twisting your back foot to a 90-degree spin, you may begin the turn. This way, you will be in the actual powersliding steps.

So, keep the following things in mind.

  • Put weight on your bowed front knee.
  • Toss the rear truck forward by pushing your heel into the road. Extend your back leg at the same time.
  • Swing your back hips to push and turn.
  • To lose traction, lean back and pull both arms up while lowering your weight on the longboard.
  • Lastly, push the longboard into the slide using both of your legs.

Thus, by following the above-discussed bullet points, you can synchronize your stance while sliding at the same time. However, you will have to straighten your knees while swinging your shoulders, then adjust to lean backward.

Step 5: Learn To End Well

As mentioned earlier, step 4 is the actual powersliding phase. However, it is essential to discuss how to end the step. That’s where this step will come in handy.

To end the process, you must relieve pressure on your rear foot. When you shift your weight forward, you’ll start to halt. And that’s how you will end the powerslide on a longboard.

What Is Powersliding?

The term ‘powersliding’ means driving your board 90 degrees across the pavement so that your wheels stop spinning and you begin to skid. You quickly lose speed due to friction, which is an excellent method to slow down or halt.

Powerslides are closely related to riding a longboard. So, we don’t consider it an independent trick. Instead, we believe it is a part of longboard riding. Therefore, we only recommend power sliding if you are a professional longboarder. And if you are, let’s learn to perform powerslides on a longboard.

Read More:

Wrapping Up – The Bottom Line:

All in all, with enough time and practice, powersliding is an excellent technique to have in your longboarding toolkit. But don’t get discouraged if you don’t have the patience for it at first or are annoyed by some difficulty involving powersliding.

The truth is learning powerslides takes time and practice. It might not come as quickly as you’d hoped. Don’t look at this article as the last word on powersliding. Consider it an introduction and a beginner’s guide to the topic.

The more you practice and learn how to powerslide properly, the better you’ll get at sliding out of turn. And once you’ve mastered that skill, the whole world of longboarding will open up to you!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Can You Do A Slide On A Longboard?

Yes, you can do a powerslide on a longboard. However, powerslides are only doable if you know how to ride a longboard properly because sliding and riding a longboard are closely related. So, learn to ride a longboard first before moving on to power sliding.

However, read the above guide if you want to learn how to powerslide on a longboard.

How Do You Drift On A Longboard?

Like powersliding, your longboard should also be at a decent pace for drifting. So, we only recommend drifting once you have gained some speed.

  • First of all, put your entire body weight on one side of the longboard. Doing this will turn the longboard in that direction.
  • After that, put pressure on the foot facing the same side as the direction you’re turning as you turn.

How Do You Learn To Powerslide On A Longboard?

If you want to learn the art of powersliding on a longboard, you should be comfortable riding and turning down well on a longboard. So, if you are comfortable with the aforementioned things, we recommend checking the steps discussed in the above guide.

How Do You Powerslide Step By Step?

Use the following steps as a step-by-step guide to powersliding on a longboard:

  • The first step is to get a decent pace while riding on a longboard.
  • After that, your next task is to prepare for a toeside pre-carve.
  • Then, keep your center of gravity low.
  • The next step is the actual powersliding phase. So, use the above guide to get a detailed answer to this question.

How Do You Practice Sliding On A Longboard?

The key to sliding on a longboard is to approach it with confidence. So, use the following steps to slide on a longboard:

  • First, on your board, squat down.
  • Then, kneel down and roll your back foot because the objective here is to maintain your weight forward, over your front truck and not back away from the slide.

Is Sliding A Longboard Hard?

Sliding a longboard is hard if you are a beginner because you will have to be good with riding and turning down on a longboard at a rapid pace. So, if you think you can do that, longboard sliding won’t be a challenge for you.

What Is The Best Longboard For Sliding And Cruising?

The Volador Maple Longboard Cruiser is the best for sliding and cruising because of the design features of its trucks.

What Is The Bestcruiser Longboard?

The Playshion Freestyle Cruiser Longboard is the best because of its huge weight limit, decent price tag and the ability to be suitable for kids and adults.

I was born and raised in the U.S. I started skating at the age of 10 when I got my first skateboard. I started doing longboarding a few years ago and I loved it so much that I started my own website.

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