Is Longboarding a Good Workout? Expert Analysis & Stats 2024

Longboarding has gained immense popularity as a recreational activity, but it’s often overlooked as a fitness regimen. As an expert in the field, I delve into the question: Is longboarding a good workout?

Let’s uncover the stats, facts, and personal insights to understand the fitness benefits it offers.

Is Longboarding a Good Workout?


Is Longboarding a Good Workout?

Longboarding can indeed be a good workout, offering various health and fitness benefits. Some of the advantages of longboarding as a workout include:

  1. Cardio and heart health: Longboarding is a great cardio exercise that can help improve your heart health. It burns around 4 to 7 calories per minute, making it a solid aerobic activity.
  2. Improved balance and coordination: Longboarding helps improve your balance, coordination, and overall body balance.
  3. Increased flexibility: Longboarding can help increase your entire body’s flexibility.
  4. Strength and stamina: Longboarding is a strength exercise that can help improve your stamina.
  5. Stress relief and mental health: Longboarding can provide stress relief, self-gratification, and confidence, as well as improve your mental health.
  6. Better sleep and stronger bones: Longboarding can contribute to better sleep and stronger bones.

Longboarding is an outdoor activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and experience levels, making it an enjoyable and accessible workout option. Just be mindful of your food choices and other factors to ensure a safe and effective workout experience.

Can longboarding make you fit?

Longboarding can be an effective way to improve fitness. It is a solid aerobic activity that can help burn calories, improve cardiovascular health, increase flexibility, and strengthen muscles, particularly in the legs, butt, and abs, and stabilize muscles in the hips and back. 

According to a study from Harvard Medical School, longboarding can make you burn 300 to 450 calories per hour, depending on your weight. 

Additionally, it can help improve balance, joint health, and overall strength. Longboarding is also a fun activity, which can make it easier to stick to a regular exercise routine and can contribute to stress relief and better sleep. Therefore, incorporating longboarding into your routine can contribute to improved fitness and overall health.

What muscles does longboarding exercise?

Longboarding is a great form of cardiovascular exercise that involves using muscles in the legs, core, and arms to propel the board forward and maintain balance. Longboarding can help to strengthen the muscles in the legs, core, and arms. 

Specifically, longboarding works out the gluteus, quads, triceps, biceps, deltoids, trapezius, rectus abdominis, latissimus dorsi, obliques, abs, TA (transversus abdominis), multifidus, and hip muscles. 

Longboarding also improves balance, coordination, and flexibility, making it a great addition to any fitness routine. Longboarding can make you burn 300 to 450 calories per hour depending on how much you weigh

Is longboarding a good way to get around?

Longboarding is a popular and enjoyable way to get around, offering several advantages as a means of transportation:

  1. Speed and efficiency: Longboards are fast and can cover long distances with ease, making them a practical way to get around town or travel short distances.
  2. Exercise: Riding a longboard can provide a good workout, engaging your core and leg muscles while also offering a fun experience.
  3. Stability and smoothness: Longboards are generally more stable and smoother than skateboards, allowing for a more comfortable and controlled ride.
  4. Versatility: Longboards can be used for various purposes, such as cruising, commuting, or even traveling.

However, there are some drawbacks to longboarding:

  1. Safety: Longboarding can be unsafe, as there is always a risk of falling and hurting yourself or getting hit by a vehicle.
  2. Practicality: Not everyone can ride a longboard, and it may not be suitable for everyone’s needs, such as those with mobility issues or in areas with rough terrain.
  3. Transportation: Longboards can be difficult to transport, especially on public transportation or when traveling

What exercises are good for longboarding?

Longboarding is a great way to improve your balance, strength, and stability. To enhance your longboarding skills, you can incorporate various exercises into your routine.

Some exercises that can help you improve your longboarding include:

  1. Running: Running can help improve your calves’ and ankles’ stamina and strength, as well as your overall lung capacity and body coordination.
  2. Squats: Squats can help improve your balance and strength, especially for drop knee turns.
  3. Core exercises: Core exercises, such as planks and sit-ups, can help you develop the necessary balance and stability for longboarding.
  4. Yoga: Yoga can help you improve your balance, flexibility, and overall body awareness, which can be beneficial for longboarding.
  5. Slacklining: Slacklining can help you develop better balance and coordination, which can be applied to longboarding.
  6. Long-distance pumping: Long-distance pumping can help you build endurance and balance, as it requires constant adjustments to maintain speed and control.
  7. Dancing: Dancing can help improve your balance and coordination, which can be beneficial for longboarding.
  8. Freestyle longboarding: Freestyle longboarding, including tricks and carving, can provide a good workout for your joints and overall body mobility.

Remember to start with appropriate exercises for your current fitness level and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts to avoid injury and improve your longboarding skills.

Read More:

Exploring Longboarding Statistics

To comprehend the physical impact of longboarding, let’s glance at some revealing statistics:

Calories BurnedApproximately 300-500 calories per hour
Muscles EngagedCore muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings, calves
Cardiovascular ImpactEnhances heart health and endurance
Balance ImprovementDevelops balance and coordination
Speed PotentialUp to 25-40 mph depending on terrain²

Facts Supporting Longboarding as a Workout

Longboarding demands consistent physical effort, engaging various muscle groups. It serves as a full-body workout, aiding in:

  • Cardiovascular Fitness: Riding a longboard elevates heart rate, improving cardiovascular health over time.
  • Muscle Strengthening: The continuous leg movement strengthens lower body muscles like the quadriceps and calves.
  • Core Stability: Balancing on the board engages core muscles, enhancing stability and strength.
  • Calorie Burning: Longboarding burns calories comparably to other moderate exercises like cycling or brisk walking.

Experts endorse longboarding as a legitimate workout due to its multifaceted benefits. Many enthusiasts report noticeable improvements in their fitness levels after incorporating it into their routines.

As an experienced longboarder, I can attest to its effectiveness. I’ve witnessed not only physical enhancements but also mental well-being through the thrill of cruising while improving fitness.

Exploring Longboarding’s Impact on Fitness Levels

1. Cardiovascular Health Boost

Longboarding involves continuous movement, keeping the heart rate elevated, thus enhancing cardiovascular endurance. Regular sessions can contribute significantly to a healthier heart.

2. Muscle Engagement & Strength Building

The act of propelling a longboard engages major muscle groups. The lower body gets a significant workout, leading to muscle toning and strength development.

3. Enhanced Balance & Coordination

Maintaining balance while maneuvering the board enhances coordination and proprioception. This translates into improved stability and reflexes over time.

Why Longboarding is an Ideal Workout Choice?

Transitioning from a sedentary lifestyle to an active one is easier with engaging activities like longboarding. Its accessibility, enjoyment factor, and substantial fitness benefits make it an ideal choice for individuals seeking a fun yet effective workout routine.

External Resources:

For further exploration, check out these resources:

  1. American Heart Association – Physical Activity Guidelines
  2. Harvard Health Publishing – Benefits of Aerobic Exercise

In conclusion, longboarding indeed stands as a commendable workout option. Its amalgamation of physical exertion, thrill, and accessibility makes it a stellar choice for individuals seeking an enjoyable path to fitness.

I was born and raised in the U.S. I started skating at the age of 10 when I got my first skateboard. I started doing longboarding a few years ago and I loved it so much that I started my own website.

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