Can You Ollie on a Longboard? [7 Steps]

Can you ollie on a longboard? People have asked this question countless times over the years.

From the days of our grandpa, who never knew how to ride a board and just clunked around on there until he finally got the hang of it, to friends and classmates who seem just as baffled as we are, this is one age-old question that only time can answer.

Can You Ollie on a Longboard

So, this guide will be ideal for you if you have this question.

However, besides answering the elephant in the room, we will answer all related questions to it, like:

  • Does it matter what foot you use when ollieing?
  • What’s the proper stance when ollieing?
  • What conditions need to be met to ollie successfully?

So, without wasting any time, let’s get right into this discussion.


Can You Ollie on a Longboard?

The short answer to this question is ‘Yes.’ But before getting to the steps of how to ollie on a longboard, here are a few things you should know about ollieing on a longboard.

What Is an Ollie?

Ollie is a skateboard trick in which a rider hops into the air with the board without using his hands. This skateboard trick may not sound difficult. But when a beginner tries it, he knows it is easier said than done.

How Is a Longboard Different From a Conventional Skateboard?

As the name depicts, a longboard is typically a longer skateboard than other conventional types.

But besides the most apparent difference, longboards have bigger and softer wheels. That is why they offer comfortable rides.

So, people prefer using these boards for cruising and commuting.

There are a bunch of styles and disciplines of longboarding. But the most popular are:

  • Downhill racing.
  • Freeride and sliding.
  • Freestyle longboarding.

Why ollieing on a longboard challenging?

Ollieing on a longboard is a bit more challenging than ollieing on a skateboard. So, let’s discuss a few reasons to prove this claim.

  • With the skateboard ollie, you rely on the tail’s snap against the ground to generate the pop and then roll your front foot. So, the skateboard ollie is more about snapping the tail.
  • On the other hand, longboards generally have shorter tails. That is why they do not snap against the ground. Therefore, you have to manufacture an ollie on a longboard.
  • Besides having shorter tails, longboards are heavier and their tails do not snap.

So, due to the aforementioned reasons, ollieing on a longboard is more challenging than ollieing on a skateboard or street deck. But let’s get to the ‘how’ part of ollieing on a longboard.

How to Ollie in 5 Minutes on a Longboard?

Performing longboard tricks can be challenging for beginners. However, practice can make you perfect at anything. So, use the following simple steps to ollie on a longboard in under 5 minutes.

Step 1: Locating Your Center

As the name of this step depicts, your first task is to determine the center of gravity. Therefore, shift your weight by leaning backward and forward.

Step 2: Jumping With Both Feet

The next task is to jump with the help of both feet. However, it is essential to have a good stance for this step.

So, a proper posture for this step will look like this:

  • Stand with an apart shoulder and feet width.
  • Bend your knees slightly.
  • Keep your head up but centered above the board.
  • Put your arms in front of you.

Step 3: Firmly Pressing (down) The Back Wheels

When attempting an ollie, it’s crucial to press firmly on the rear wheels. Doing this will provide you with more excellent stability.

Step 4: Using Your Arms To Pull

Pull with the arms after that. Doing so will lift the board off the ground while it is propelled forward by the back wheels.

Step 5: Turning Your Front Foot Backward

Turning your front foot backward is also crucial. Doing so will assist you in finding your right balance and maintaining it while performing an ollie.

Step 6: Choosing a Landing Area

Lift your rear foot and perform an ollie as soon as your front foot is facing the other direction. You can do this by:

  • Rotating your front foot backward.
  • Pressing firmly on the back wheels while pulling with your arm and choosing a landing site.

Step 7: Getting Down On Your Knees and Wheels First

If there isn’t anything soft between you and the surface below, you’ll end up face-planting or striking something solid like a curb.

So, picking up a landing spot is essential to land on the longboard’s wheels and your knees safely.

Pro Tips for Ollieing on a Longboard

Now, you know the answer to ‘can you ollie on a longboard. But as discussed earlier, ollieing on a longboard is more challenging than ollieing on a skateboard. So, keep the following tips in mind while attempting to ollie on a longboard.

  • Using too much force while ollieing on a longboard might damage both your body and the longboard. So, the secret to a perfect ollie on a longboard is using the least amount of force possible.
  • You should be able to balance on top of your longboard without exerting any additional effort. You are balanced when you don’t feel like you must exert any effort to support yourself. But you should also be aware of when to exert sufficient pressure and back off.

Read More:

Can You Do Tricks On A Longboard Skateboard?

The shape and design of a longboard make maneuvering it easier, even on rough surfaces. Plus, you will be comfortable while cruising on a longboard. However, when it comes to performing the tricks on a longboard, the skill level and model of the longboard play a significant role.

Thus, if you have the skills and the suitable model, you can perform carving, downhill sliding, and hand-paddling on a longboard.

Can You Do A Kickflip On A Cruiser?

Kickflipping on a cruiser board is similar to ollieing because it requires the same pop tail and foot placement. So, you can do a kickflip on a cruiser board. However, performing a kickflip is a bit different than executing the same trick on a conventional skateboard.

So, use the following steps.

  • First of all, pop tail and leap.
  • Then, using the front foot, move it toward the front truck and flip out to the side.
  • Wait until the board has completely turned around.
  • After one complete revolution of the cruiser board, plant both feet back on the ground to grab the board.

Can You Ollie On A Cruiser?

Yes, you can ollie on a cruiser. But like longboards, manufacturers have also not made cruisers for performing tricks because of the following reasons:

  • They have big and soft wheels.
  • They are heavier than other skateboard types.

So, if you land an ollie on a cruiser or longboard, it will be very bouncy and unstable. But this doesn’t mean it is impossible to ollie on cruisers or longboards.

So, use the following steps to ollie on a cruiser.

  • First, set your feet in place.
  • Then, slide the front foot and pop the tail.
  • After that, level the board off by jumping.
  • Lastly, step on the landing.

But if you want to ollie on a longboard, use the steps discussed in the above guide.

How Do You Ollie A Drop-through Longboard?

Some people believe it is impossible to ollie a drop-through longboard; they are incorrect! Sure, ollieing a longboard is difficult, but moving all your weight to level it out is vital.

How Hard Is It To Ollie A Longboard?

It is not impossible to ollie on a longboard. But it is a lot more complicated than the conventional or street decks because of the following reasons.

  • The board is heavier.
  • The tail doesn’t snap.
  • Most importantly, if your longboard has a short tail, ollieing on a longboard will become a lot more challenging.

Thus, you’ll have your work cut out for ollieing on a longboard.

Is It Possible To Try Longboard Kickflipping?

As mentioned earlier, a longboard is not ideal for performing tricks. But it is not impossible to implement tricks on a longboard.

In a Nutshell – Wrapping Up

All in all, street decks are a lot easier to ollie because their tail snaps against the ground. However, with the longboards, it will be like pushing down your back foot while pushing the longboard in the backward direction.

And while pushing down and back, you drag the front foot forward to create an ollie-like motion. So, you’ll have your work cut out for ollieing on a longboard.

Additionally, ollieing on a longboard is also challenging because of the following reasons:

  • The board is heavier.
  • The tail doesn’t snap.
  • Most importantly, if your longboard has a short tail, ollieing on a longboard will become a lot more challenging.

Thus, it is not impossible to ollie on a longboard. But it is a lot more complicated than the conventional or street decks.

I was born and raised in the U.S. I started skating at the age of 10 when I got my first skateboard. I started doing longboarding a few years ago and I loved it so much that I started my own website.

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